The committee met on the 11th September 2020 to discuss various actions, including the creation of this blog! Following our school-wide call, we welcomed a new member, Dr Ambrose Tinwarno, who is a senior lecturer in the Animal Behaviour and Welfare research group.
Author: giossa
New name and chair
In June 2020 the Life Sciences Athena Swan Self Assessment team met virtually and welcomed our new chair, Dr Jenny Dunn, senior lecturer, and several new members: Dr Iain Stott and Dr Teresa Romero, also senior lecturers, Professor Oliver Burman, Dr Franklyn Nkongho, postdoctoral fellow and Bethany Williams, PhD student, both of whom joined the School earlier this year.
The committee thanked the work done by those members who stepped down: Professor Steve Bevan, Head of School, Megan Mortimer, postgraduate students representative, Dr Mike Christie, Co-chair of the committee and Dr Nadia Andreani, early career researchers representative.
The first act of the committee was to change its name to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committee, to signify our commitment to uphold these values and work towards making our school a welcoming and inclusive place to work for everyone.
Welcome to University of Lincoln School of Life Sciences Equality, Diversity and Inclusion blog. We want this to be a dynamic resource for our community. You can find information on the committee, Athena Swan and its mission, university policies and resources.